Concerned Resident

  • 3521 Wildwood Ave Lansing, Michigan, 48910 - Lansing
    The residents at this address have a 4 door vehicle that blocks the sidewalk from residents or kids being able to walk on the sidewalk, forcing them to walk into the street.
    Can this be addressed?
    Thank you!
  • 600–698 Ridgewood Ave Lansing MI 48910, United States - Lansing
    Why was this taken down at Waldo Park? No reason for it at all, the city did this to Poxson Park as well. Spoke with Lansing Parks and they are putting a new one for 5-10 year olds only. Really? Why not just put a weed shop, car wash, family or drug store there? Pathetic. You wonder why people move away!
  • 529–599 Vernon Ave Lansing MI 48910, United States - Lansing
    There are two streetlights broken/out near Vernon and Wildwood. The first is on the south side of Everett Park opposite the church . The second is on the east side of Everett Park on Wildwood just before the Everett Park sign. Can these be fixed? Thank you!
  • 607 Vernon Ave Lansing, MI, 48910, USA - Lansing
    Hello. The property at 607 Vernon Ave is a rental property. There is constant loud motorcycles, police presence, arguing, etc and its causing this neighborhood to feel unsafe. The landlord I believe works for K&H cutting. Any chance of the tenants being evicted from this property? I know the tenant has multiple criminal convictions. This neighborhood has also been nice and quiet. Please assist! Thank you!
  • 607 Vernon Ave Lansing MI 48910, United States - Lansing
    There is a K&H truck along with a trailer that is blocking traffic from getting through Wildwood Ave.
    In addition, the house at 607 Vernon Ave is a rental property with constant overnight parking that parks on the corner of Wildwood and Vernon blocking turns onto Wildwood from Vernon. Police have been notified.
    Please resolve this!
  • 607 Vernon Ave Lansing, MI, 48910, USA - Lansing
    This house is a rental property. I have contacted Lansing Police in the past with no resolution. This house has a lot of loud motorcycles that will run throughout the day and night. In addition, they speed through the neighborhood and run through stop signs. They also ride their mopeds and motorcycles on the sidewalk. Also they park their cars east of Everett park on both sides of the street making it difficult for cars to get through. The primary resident drives a K&H truck. Please get this resolved! There are also kids in this neighborhood that can be at risk. I have been part of this neighborhood for a very long time and wish the neighborhood to be quiet and peaceful. Thank you!