Fritz Hoch

  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    37.80863 -122.24960 - Lake Merritt
    Illegal park grounds parking and amplified noise at the pergola
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    37.80862 -122.24965 - Lake Merritt

    Amplified loud music at the pergola
    Please enforce our park rules and laws

    This is an on going issue a drumming group drums there for endless hours many times way past midnight
    This must stop residents have the right to peace and quite

  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    550 El Embarcadero Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Please enforce our park rules
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    37.80858 -122.24941 - Lake Merritt
    Isn't it about time to at least install a park rules sign?
    Since is it ok to park on park grounds
    Blast music smoke wheat drink alcohol in our parks? not to mention disturbance of many residents
    What kind of city allows this kind of lawlessness to fester.
  • 37.80879 -122.24953 - Adams Point

    Please our parking and park rules
    Illegal parking and amplified noise

    A weekly occurrence

  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Lake Merritt
    Amplified music and illegal parking at the pergola
    Please enforce our laws
  • 550 El Embarcadero Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point

    Illegal park grounds parking
    Please enforce our parking laws

    A shout out to our police for the 1 st time 2 police patrol vehicles keep watch at the pergola please make that permanent

  • 37.80887 -122.24943 - Adams Point
    Insane amplified noise , illegal parking illegal vending alcohol and drugs
    The weekly noise fest at the pergola
    Enforce our laws we are paying for it ,
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Illegal parking, illegal vending including alcohol, un permitted drumming group, excessive noise, amplified nois more and more homeless camping and no law enforcement ever. happens every weekend
    Its anarchy Taxpaying Oaklanders should withhold paying their taxes e
  • Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Lake Merritt
    Illegal parking , illegal vending, amplified noise, large unpermitted drum circle and enforcement of our laws non existent
    Goes on every Fri Sat Sun
    Useless to report this on here but doing it for the record.
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Lake Merritt
    Are there special rules for the noisy drum circle? Illegal park grounds parking
    Not to mention the noise nuisance for endless hours for entire neighborhoods
  • Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Please enforce our parking rules and laws
    These cars are on park grounds with plenty of legal parking around
    It seams the pergola area has become the
    Illegal event do anything area because no laws are ever enforced there
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Lake Merritt
    Big party with Dangerous amplified noise levels at the pergola
    Enforce our laws please
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Another night of partying at the pergola amplified noise makers illegal parking on park grounds drugs and alcohol
    Never any enforcement
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Lake Merritt
    Illegal parking insanely loud amplified noise use of alcohol drugs a big party at the pergola happens every Thursday and Fri
    Where is our police to enforce our laws? ,
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    550 El Embarcadero Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    This guy illegally parks on park lawns blasts his amplified drums and music every single day at the same spot from 6-9:30pm
    Why is there no enforcement of our park rules and laws
  • Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Illegal parking on park grounds
    Please enforce our laws
  • 550 El Embarcadero Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Illegal Park grounds parking
    Enforce our laws please
  • Park - Ballfields Reconhecido
    550 El Embarcadero Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Illegal park grounds parking and amplified speakers
    Enforce our laws please
  • Lake Merritt Path Oakland CA 94610, United States - Adams Point
    Daily illegal park grounds parking
    Amplified music, public drunkenness, drug usage
    No enforcement ever
    What kind of city allows this kind of continued lawlessness without consequences
    No wonder we have the worst crime wave