
  • 1319 W Clay St Richmond, VIRGINIA - Carver
    Cracked street covered in patches and potholes. Goes on for several blocks. Neighbourhood with families, businesses, college students. Extremely bumpy.
  • 2401-2499 East Broad Street Richmond Virginia - Church Hill
    I reported this issue before. It said the issue was closed. It is not. The street looks just as horrible, if not worse, than when they tore it up the first time. Repairs on a gas line have left the street in terrible shape and have also damaged the cars who need to park there for work/business. I just got my car and now it is covered in tar which I can not seem to remove.
  • Potholes Arquivado
    2507 East Broad St. Richmond, Virginia - Maymont
    The city came to work on what I think is a gas line underneath the street, however they left rubble and tar debris all over the road, which is messing up the cars belonging to the employees and customers of the businesses on this block.